

lifestyle blogger, fashion, advice, girl talk, positivity

I only found out what mantra meant about 2 months ago, my friend (hi friend if you're reading) was talking about her mantras and I was so confused (in my head I had a picture of a mantis). Then i looked up the meaning and the word stuck with me so for anyone who doesn't know:

Mantra: man·tra (măn′trÉ™, mÅ­n′-) 
n. A commonly repeated word or phrase, especially in advocacy or for motivation

So here are 5 of my mantras for motivation & everyday life.

1. Always look your best -
When I look good I feel good and to feel good all the time,  look your best all the time. Its a common mistake that when you feel your worst we just dress our worst, but if you took care of yourself your mood will most likely improve.

2.Be nice - to everyone
Unless someone gives you a really valid reason not to be nice, your default should always be to be nice. and even if they do give you a reason - don't hold on to grudges for too long (maybe a week) but that's just extra stress and extra wrinkles on yourself.

3. Don't be shy
You're as relevant as everyone else in the room, feed into a conversation if you have something to say, don't hold back! Be the one that starts the conversation, don't think "nahh they'll think im strange" even if you have to push yourself a little to talk more - do so.  (I always forget this)

4. Love yourself
Buy yourself nice things, want those shoes? save & buy them. Don't be too hard on yourself. Push yourself to do well. Always try your best. Compliment yourself. Relax when you feel over worked. DRINK lots of water. Feed your body nice things. Surround yourself with good things. Love yourself.

5. Do you
Stop caring about what people are gonna think of you and just enjoy yourself. Life is really too short to live for people who really don't matter. It's also a lot more fun to be comfortable than to have to hold back and overthink your every action.

With that being said,  I wish everyone a happy new year & lots of positive happy things - what are some of your mantras? - Comment below x

Oh and what do you think of the new banner & layout? let me know! :)



I recently saw a picture which had 12 steps to self care and I liked it because sometimes i think we're too hard on ourselves and like just shutup and be a good bae to yourself right?

1. Treat yourself
I always find myself saving all this money for this "special time" and then I never end up spending it how I want, it just ends up going to waste. Or I'll have a specific item that I'll save to wear another day but why isn't today just as good a day as any? Stop saving things for later and do things whenever you feel, you always deserve the little luxuries because chances are that "special" day will never come and you will just keep starving yourself of a little extra happiness. BUT sometimes save your money so you can by yourself something fauncy ;)

2. Sometime be selfish
We spend a lot of time trying to please people but fail to realise that you can't spend your whole life walking on eggshells for others, sometimes it's ok to be selfish and say "no actually I wanna do this" it may be nerve racking to say at first, and what's the worse that can happen? They aren't going to kill you.  You'll feel so much happier when you're doing what you wanna do plus - who said that what they wanna do is more relevant than what you wanna do? Do you boo :*

3. Take time out for yourself
Special secret: Logging out will not kill anyone. Take time out to focus on yourself; what you're doing and other things you enjoy; get to know yourself outside the image you sell to these followers;
Do you even know your favourite colour? lol. But sometimes you can find your interests online too. Just take time to sit back and discover, not every 2 seconds has to be spent talking to someone, talk to yourself, care for your soul. Soul needs love. Love your soul.

4. Drink water
I never used to drink water whatsoever, then I decided that I should... and if I was to take a picture of the difference in my skin I think it would be noticeable and overall just in general I've noticed major differences in myself overall. Water is good for basically everything; healthy hair growth, nice nails, glowing, smooth NON OILY skin, less headaches, clear bright eyes, weight loss, increased energy, no headaches, better immune system, less cramps, boosts your mood AND SAVES MONEY WHICH YOU CAN SPEND ON LOVELY CLOTHES ^_^.  (I'm sure there's more but you can do your own research) For me the most noticeable things were smoother skin, less headaches, better energy and ALOT LESS CRAMPS (not gone but good enough).

5. Say exactly what you mean
Keeping in feelings is never a good thing, you spend so much time stressing over "what could've been said" I find that if I say it out loud, it's a lot less to worry about by yourself and you don't worry as much. Worrying is bad we don't want that. And what's the worse that could happen? Obviously by no means just go around being mean to everyone, but if someone's upset you let them know and if something or someone is bothering you - let them know. Chances are if the other person knew exactly what was wrong they'd care too (maybe). Also don't hold back on crying when you feel absolutely horrible, after you're done it you'll feel a gazillion times better and a little lighter.

6. Believe in yourself
This is a pretty literate example but I do A-Level Maths and it's kinda hard, and I always think I don't know the answer so I never finish the question, then when I find out the answer it was exactly what i was gonna do anyways and basically the thing is, if I believed in myself more that could've been some extra marks. So, in general, just stop doubting yourself - all it does is hold you back from your true potential and extra marks (literally or theoretically)- and you'll never actually know how amazing you are. And who doesn't wanna know how amazingly amazing they are. It's just there's this big stigma surrounded with thinking highly of yourself and how you shouldn't, but if we all stopped doubting ourselves imagine how much further we could be? Don't be scared to muck up, just keep going, you're doing fine. Sometimes all it takes is a little pep talk from yourself.  For more on this check out HOW TO | FEEL BETTER ABOUT YOURSELF

7. Stop stressing
I'm a really structured person so when I stress out I literally have a formulated method to get out of it (doesn't always work but hey) first ask yourself: Why am I stressing? Then ask? Can I do anything about it? No? Then stop stressing IT WON'T CHANGE ANYTHING. If yes? - What can I do? How do I do that? Is it better now? I also always think to the future and ask myself: Will this matter in *insert time frame here* and more often than not the answer is No, it won't - so get over it and keep moving!

8. Sleep
Being tired makes you angry. super weak. unfocused and overly stressed. If you are tired sleep. Give yourself a bed time. Just take some time to sleep. good sleep = good mood = invincible = happy happy. Shoutout to dem after school naps oh lorddddd.

9. Don't be afraid to say yes.. or no
This comes in with believing in yourself sort of. Stop holding back because you're too shy, or maybe they'll think I'm weird, just shut up and put yourself out there (except drugs. say no to drugs. drugs aren't good for self care) on the other hand if you feel like you're being pressured into something but you don't want to say no because they'll think you're weird - SAY NO. If you don't feel like you should be doing it then DON'T. So don't be afraid to say yes or no. Evaluate the situation and make a responsible decision.

10. You can change
If you want to start living a certain life or be a certain way, don't wait till January 1st or till your 18th birthday DO IT NOW. You have more power than you think you do. There is no official rule that says you have to be the same person you were yesterday. And on that note; good luck to everyone and their path to self care.

Chrissie x
Note: Winter makes it so much harder to take pictures :(

Go read my last post here on HOW TO | FEEL BETTER ABOUT YOURSELF

Go check out my latest video here  :D



GREEETINGS FELLOW HUMANS. It has indeed been a while but I've had no great ideas or any oppurtunities to take great pictures so there we go.
I wasn't planning on going out today as I've not been in the mood to leave my four walls but my sister has dragged me out of my funk and forced me to go out and thank god because I feel 100x better.

Now for le outfit. I've been dying to find a lovely oversized sweater for a decent price, I saw one in topshop which was £46 :( hell no was i paying almost £50 for a sweater, then I found myself browsing through primark and at the bottom of a pile I found 1 sweater in a size 20, it didn't have a price tag but I was sure it wasn't over £15 so I just went for it. I went over to the till and found out it was only £5.90!! My bargain hunting skills are flipping amazing. This sweater will definitely be worn out this winter, i've already worn it a gabillion times - its perfect for both casual and dressy looks.

Leather leggings are definitely a staple for my winter wardrobe, I don't quite know what it is but whatever it is, I'm just obsessed with them, they go with everything and make any outfit have a bit more oomph to them.
I think a fedore hat would've gone well with this look but I don't have one so this is good enough. Having a fringe is actually a lot of work I can't even deal.

And finally the centre piece of this look; thigh highs. Never in a million years did I think I'd pluck up the courage to wear these, but I had an epiphany and decided I needed them and of course what better place to find something thats in trend but for a low price but Primark; £20. YASSSS. I thought they'd probably be super uncomfortable or a bit oddly fitting since they were just £20 but i was very wrong, they fit beautifully and aren't any more uncomfortable than any heels. I can't actually believe I'm leaving my house in these I don't even know if i can walk properly in heels.

Sweater £5.90
Leggings £6.00
Boots £20.00
Total: £31.90
- Not bad chrissie :P

Hat- H&M £7.00

Until next time xxxxxxxx